31 dicembre 2009

Ascolti 2009

Visto che, tutto sommato porta bene, come lo scorso anno posto la foto di qualche anno fa dei miei gioielli.

Auguri di salute e serenità.

I miei nuovi (non superficiali) ascolti nel 2009 (in grassetto i più apprezzati)

...And You Will Know Us By The Trail Of Dead: The Century Of Self (09)
2L8: He&She, Angry Enough To Keep Loving In the Dark Ages (08)
A Challenge Of Honour: No Way Out (08)
A Hawk and a Hacksaw: Délivrance (09)
AaRON: Artificial Animals Riding on Neverlan (07)
Akron/Family: Set 'em Wild, Set 'em Free (09)
Alberta Cross: Broken Side Of Time (09)
Animal Collective: Merriweather Post Pavillion (09)
Arcade Fire: Miroir Noir (09)
Archive: Controlling Crowds (09)
Audiotransparent: Chekhov Guns (09)
Beirut: March of the Zapotec / Realpeople Holland (09)
Bell Orchestre: As Seen Through Windows (09)
Black Mountain: Lucy Brown EP (08)
Blackbird Raum: Swidden (08)
Bleeding Heart Narrative: All That Was Missing We Never Had In The World (08)
Broken Records: Until The Earth Begins To Part (09)
Built To Spill: There Is No Enemy (09)
Casador: The Puritans EP (08)
Crippled Black Phoenix: Night Riders (09)
Crippled Black Phoenix: The Resurrectionists (09)
Cymbals Eat Guitars: Why There Are Mountains (09)
De Staat: Wait For Evolution (09)
Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros: Up From Below (09)
Evening Magazine: The Ride Across Lake Constance EP (09)
Fanfarlo: Reservoir (09)
Franz Ferdinand: Tonight: Frenz Ferdinand (09)
Giuseppe Ielasi: Aix (09)
Hazmat Modine: Bahamut (06)
Heartless Bastard: The Mountain (09
Jason Lytle: Yours Truly, The Commuter (09)
Jay Farrar & Benjamin Gibbard: One Fast Move or I'm Gone (09)
Joe Henry: Blood from Stars (09)
Joe Jackson: At The BBC (08)
Kay Kay and His Weathered Underground: Kay Kay and His Weathered Underground (09)
Kiss Kiss: The Meek Shall Inherit What's Left (09)
Lost In The Trees: All Alone in An Empty House (08)
Matt Jones: The Black Path (08)
Menahan Street Band: Make The Road By Walking (08)
Micah P. Hinson: All Dressed Up And Smelling Of Strangers (09)
Miles Benjamin Anthony Robinson: Self Titled (08)
Mimas: The Worries (09)
Moon & Moon Act II: VII Acts of an Iron King (09)
Mulatu & He Eliocentrics: Inspiration Information (09)
Mumford & Sons: Sigh No More (09)
My Latest Novel: Deaths & Entrances (09)
Nick Jaina: A Narrow Way (08)
Not To Reason: Why Would You Hug Fire (09)
Oi Va Voi: Travelling the Face of the Globe (09)
Old Canes: Feral Harmonic (09)
Peter Adams: I Woke With Planets In My Face (08)
Pink Mountaintops: Outside Love (09)
Port O'Brien: Threadbare (09)
Ramona Falls: Intuit (09)
Real Estate - Real Estate (09)
Return Of Simple: Saffron (06)
Say Hi (...): Oohs & Aahs (09)
Soulsavers: Broken (09)
Sébastien Schuller: Evenfall (09)
The Antlers: Hospice (09)
The Dear Hunter Act III: Life and Death (09)
The Dirty Projectors: Bitte Orca (2009)
The Good Life: Album of the Year (04)
The Guild League: Speak Up (08)
The Irrepressibles: From the Circus... to the Sea EP (08)
The Leisure Society: The Sleeper (09)
The Maldives: Listen To The Thunder (09)
The Mumlers: Dont Throw Me Away (09)
The Reign Of Kindo: Rythm Chord And Melody (08)
The Same Sky: Two Hearts-Apart Under The Same Sky (09)
The Second Hand Marching Band: A Dance to Half Death EP (09)
Them Crooked Vultures: Them Crooked Vultures (09)
Vic Chesnutt: At The Cut (09)
Vic Chesnutt: Skitter on Take-Off (09)
White Lies: To Lose My Life (09)
Wilco: (The Album) (09)
Wild Beasts: Two Dancers (09)
Willard Grant Conspiracy: Paper Covers Stone (09)
Years: Years (09)
Yo La Tengo: Popular Songs (08)
Zu: Carboniferous (09)

27 dicembre 2009

Vic Chesnutt

Questo 2009 si chiude con una triste notizia. Notizia che ho appreso solo pochi minuti fa. Difficile giudicare. Difficile.... direi impossibile giudicare gesti così estremi. Vic era recidivo, ma ho sempre pensato che quando si arriva al punto di non ritorno, occorre un coraggio SPAVENTOSO. Non credo sia codardia o altro. Mi pare più un voler togliere il disturbo, come se uno si sentisse più un peso per se e per gli altri.
Dispiace molto, dispiacerà molto di più alle persone vicino a lui, che adesso avranno tremendi sensi di colpa.
Grazie Vic, il tuo genio ci ha regalato tanto.
Peccato sia finito così.

12 dicembre 2009